Forest of Dean Liberal Democrat Focus Team

Working hard for the Forest of Dean all year round Learn more

Focus Newsletter ready for delivery in Tibberton

by Cllr Gill Moseley on 8 September, 2016

We took a bit of a break from our campaign in August, but are ready to deliver the feedback from our survey in a Focus Newsletter which will go to all the houses in Tibberton where we called earlier in the year.

Some members of the Focus Team were at the Tibberton Show, either helping or as visitors.  We were all in admiration of the usual high standard of exhibits and activities despite the very inclement weather.  Congratulations to all those who organised the event!

During August, a by-election was called for Newent Town Council where two vacancies had occurred due to  resignations.  Two of the Forest of Dean Lib Dem members stood in a contest of eight candidates and were elected.  As usual in most parish and town council elections, political allegiance was not to the forefront, but nevertheless, our traditional campaign techniques certainly were.  Informing people about local issues, being responsive to their complaints and concerns and working as a team are important to us.  Tibberton has excellent communications through the ‘Village Link’  and Newent could learn a thing or two about how to deliver the local council news from it!

Please get in touch if you would like to learn more or join us, or if you have something you would like us to help with.  Some of your concerns are still being followed up so if you haven’t heard from us lately, please get in touch if you wish, and be assured that we haven’t forgotten what you asked or told us about.



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